Moores Cafe

Relax and refresh at Moores Cafe

The cafe at Moores Nurseries serves up breakfast, lunch, yummy cakes, coffee tea and more, all at great prices, in a warm and friendly atmosphere. And why not join us for bingo every Tuesday morning from 10am!

Moores Cafe Opening Times:

Monday to Saturday – 9.00am to 4pm.

Breakfast served 9am – 11:15am.

Lunch served 11:30am till 2:15pm.

Sundays 10.00am to 4pm.

Breakfast served 10am – 11:15am.

Lunch served 11:30am – 2:15pm.

Now serving Sunday roasts.

No bookings, tables allocated on a first come first served basis.

Dog friendly areas.

For more information please call on
0115 937 3717

Group bookings
If you’re planning a group day out we are happy to cater for minibuses and coach loads of visitors, if booked in advance.